Formation of secondary ozonides in the gas phase low-temperature ozonation of primary and secondary alkenes
The gas-phase ozonation of a series of alkenes RCHCH2 (R = Et, Hex), trans-RHC
CHR (R = Me, Et, Pri) and Me2C
CMe2 at –40 to 20 °C, and that of ethene H2C
CH2 at –120 to 0 °C at 10–4 v/v concentrations in N2 at atmospheric pressure have been studied. Using complementary product analysis by means of GC–FTIR and GC–MS techniques, we present conclusive evidence for the formation of secondary alkene ozonides as high-yield products in all instances except Me2C
CMe2. It is shown that the stereoselectivity for the conversion of trans-RHC
CHR (R = Me, Et, Pri) to trans-secondary ozonides in the gas phase is similar to that observed earlier in solution, and that the yields of secondary ozonides from RHC
CH2, but not those from RHC
CHR, significantly decrease with increasing temperature.