Issue 13, 1999

The UV absorption of ClO Part 1. The A2Π–X2Π spectrum at wavelengths from 285–320 nm studied by cavity ring-down spectroscopy


The UV absorption of ClO at wavelengths between 285 and 320 nm has been investigated using cavity ring-down spectroscopy. This wavelength region spans the (0,0) to (7,0) bands of the A2Π3/2–X2Π3/2 and A2Π1/2–X2Π1/2 transitions. The previously unobserved A2Π3/2–X2Π3/2 (0,0) and (1,0) absorption bands have been recorded with rotational resolution, and spectra of the (2,0) to (6,0) bands of the A2Π1/2–X2Π1/2 transition are shown for the first time. Analysis of the spectra gives refined band origins and rotational constants for the A2Π v′ levels and reveals a strong v′ dependence in the linewidths of rotational features. The lifetimes of the A2Π3/2v′=0–2 and A2Π1/2v′=2–4 levels are revised from previous estimates, and the lifetimes of A2Π1/2v′=5 and 6 levels have been determined. The deduced predissociation rates for A2Π3/2v′=3–7 confirm earlier studies. The lifetimes of vibrational levels of the two spin–orbit components of the A2ΠΩ state are markedly different. No evidence of J′-dependence in the predissociation is found, in contrast to the corresponding A2Π3/2 state of the IO radical.

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Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1999,1, 3079-3085

The UV absorption of ClO Part 1. The A2Π–X2Π spectrum at wavelengths from 285–320 nm studied by cavity ring-down spectroscopy

W. H. Howie, I. C. Lane, S. M. Newman, D. A. Johnson and A. J. Orr-Ewing, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 1999, 1, 3079 DOI: 10.1039/A903314I

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