Issue 17, 1999

Dideoxygenated calix[4]arene crown-6 ethers enhanced selectivity for caesium over potassium and rubidium


Calix[4]arene crown-6 ethers derived from dideoxygenated calix[4]arene exhibit enhanced extraction selectivity for caesium over potassium; the crystal stucture of the uncomplexed calix[4]arene monobenzocrown-6 ether exists in the 1,3-alt conformation in the solid state.

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Chem. Commun., 1999, 1751-1752

Dideoxygenated calix[4]arene crown-6 ethers enhanced selectivity for caesium over potassium and rubidium

R. A. Sachleben, A. Urvoas, J. C. Bryan, T. J. Haverlock, B. A. Moyer and B. P. Hay, Chem. Commun., 1999, 1751 DOI: 10.1039/A905682C

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