Issue 18, 1997

Association and surface properties of tapered statistical copolymers of ethylene oxide and butylene oxide in water


Two statistical copolymers of ethylene oxide (EO) and 1,2-butylene oxide (BO) of different compositions (80 and 60 mol% oxyethylene) were polymerised (anionic polymerisation with monofunctional initiation) to 100% conversion. Their molar masses (M n ≈5000 g mol -1 ) and molar mass distributions (M w /M n ≈1.06) were similar. The disparity in reactivity ratios in the EO/BO copolymerisation resulted in pronounced composition drift along the chains (tapered statistical copolymers) giving them the character of diblock copolymers. The association behaviour of the copolymers in aqueous solution at 25°C was studied by dynamic and static light scattering and surface tension. It was confirmed that both formed micelles by a closed process. Surface activity, as measured by surface tension lowering, was superior to conventional EO/BO diblock copolymers with comparable micelle properties. Phase diagrams, determined over a wide concentration range (c⩽70 wt.%), showed regions of gel formation (liquid crystallinity) and clouding (phase separation).

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1997,93, 3383-3390

Association and surface properties of tapered statistical copolymers of ethylene oxide and butylene oxide in water

G. Yu, D. Mistry, S. Ludhera, F. Heatley, D. Attwood and C. Booth, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1997, 93, 3383 DOI: 10.1039/A703545D

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