Adsorption isotherms taken at temperatures ranging from 20 to 77 K
show a large pore volume and surface area of 980 m2
for the physical adsorption of molecular hydrogen on
MCM-41. The adsorbed hydrogen behaves more like a solid than a liquid
and isosteric heats of adsorption reveal a heterogenous surface. The
evaporation behaviour of the adsorbed hydrogen indicates that the
hexagonally packed tubes in MCM-41 may be effectively interconnected
into a single void space.
Neutron inelastic scattering shows that molecular hydrogen exists
in two sites in the pores of MCM-41. We designate as surface states
those with a variety of weakly hindered rotational excitations centred
at 11.8(2) meV and as bulk states, at high doping of H
those which have narrow rotational excitations at 14.7(3) meV. These
excitations are hardly changed from those of the free crystal in
energy, energy width or momentum transfer dependence. Each type
accounts for ca. 50% of the total pore volume. Strong
hydrogen recoil scattering is also observed at momentum transfers
above ca. 3 Å
Neutron diffraction from the filled sample at 1.9 K shows a single
peak at 3.1 Å, characteristic of the
correlations in bulk hydrogen. This
peak is much weaker for the surface adsorbed species. The
concentration dependence of this peak also shows a 1:1 division of
void space between surface-adsorbed and bulk-like species. In addition
we observe a separate peak at 14.38(3) Å, the hexagonal (21) of
MCM-41 involving the silica framework, whose diffracted intensity
changes dramatically with hydrogen doping, in a way inconsistent with
a smooth walled, hexagonally packed mesopore. These data, together
with previous X-ray diffraction data, provide information on silica
density, absorbing surface and free volume projected onto the basal
plane. The detail and complexity of the projection were
The data agree well with a model for which the silica in the walls
is loosely interwoven, and occupies only 40% of the wall volume. The
35% silica surrounding the empty 7 Å hole as a 12.7 Å
lining has a projected density of ca. 90% that of the walls.
Either highly divided, ‘hairy’ walls or a structure like a
highly defective variant of the MCM-48 structure would fit the data.
The projection of smooth-walled but highly twisted channels onto a
horizontal plane could give a density distribution equivalent to the
highly porous silicate walls in straight channels.
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