Binding of aliphatic ketones to cyclodextrins in aqueous solution
Dissociation constants (Kd) for the complexation of 22 simple ketones with α-, β- and hydroxypropyl-β- cyclodextrin (α-CD, β-CD, and HP-β-CD) in aqueous solution have been determined. For these constants, there are various correlation involving pKd(=–log Kd) which have the form of linear free energy relationships. In particular, there are strong correlation between the pKd values of ketones (RCOR′) and related secondary alcohols [RCH(OH)R′], including cases where R and R′ form a ring. As with other alkyl derivatives, pKd values for alkan-2-ones and alkan-3-ones increase monotomcally with chain length, with slopes about 0.4, corresponding to Gibbs energy increments of ca. 2.3 kJ mol–1 for each CH2 group that is sequestered by the CD. The strengths of binding of linear derivatives to α-CD and β-CD correlate well, but bulky and cyclic ketones bind more weakly to α-CD, due to its smaller cavity. The pKd values for complexation of 18 of the 22 ketones by HP-β-CD and β-CD are fairly close and linearly related with a slope of 0.96 ± 0.03. These data are a subset of a larger set for 68 aliphatic compounds for which the slope is 0.99 ± 0.02. Thus, the strength of binding of such aliphatics to HP-β-CD and β-CD is generally close, although the penetration of the CD cavity by the guests is not necessarily the same for these two CDs.