Resonance-Raman spectra and excited-state geometry of the bis(µ-acetato)(µ-oxo) ruthenium(III) dimeric ion [Ru2(µ-O2CMe)2(µ-O)(py)6]2+(py = pyridine)
The Raman spectra of [Ru2(µ-O2CMe)2(µ-O)(py)6][PF6]2(py = pyridine) at resonance with the π–π* transition at 588 nm of the Ru–O–Ru bridge display a progression in ν1, νsym(RuORu), 597 cm–1, reaching 5ν1 and five subsidiary progressions in ν1. The spectra and associated excitation profiles have been used in conjunction with a transform method to establish that the Ru–O bond length increases by ≈ 1.2 pm on excitation to this excited state.