Issue 3, 1993

Time-resolved studies of the temperature dependence of the gas-phase reactions of methylsilylene with silane and the methylsilanes


The 193 nm laser flash photolysis of gas-phase 1,2-dimethyldisilane has been found to give a broad-band absorption in the wavelength range 454–515 nm, which is plausibly shown to be due to the transient species methylsilylene, MeSiH. By carrying out the title studies, the first direct kinetic studies of MeSiH, second-order rate constants have been obtained for reactions of MeSiH with SiH4, MeSiH3, Me2SiH2 and Me3SiH, in the temperature range 360–580 K. The reactions are fast but show negative activation energies, increasing from –7.5 kJ mol–1 for SiH4 to –18.4 kJ mol–1 for Me3SiH. The data are interpreted as proceeding via an intermediate complex, whose rearrangement becomes rate-determining at higher temperatures. Comparisons of reactivity of MeSiH with those of other silylenes reveal the general pattern of methyl substituent effects of these complexes. In conjunction with ab initio theory (for the reaction of SiH2 with SiH4) these show that the electrophilic interaction probably precedes the nucleophilic interaction, although the latter is important in the rate-determining (second) step for the insertion reactions of both MeSiH and SiMe2. Combination of MeSiH insertion rate constants with the reverse unimolecular decomposition rate constants of the product disilanes enable the calculation of an improved value of 202 ± 6 kJ mol–1 for ΔfH(MeSiH).

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J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1993,89, 411-417

Time-resolved studies of the temperature dependence of the gas-phase reactions of methylsilylene with silane and the methylsilanes

R. Becerra, H. M. Frey, B. P. Mason and R. Walsh, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1993, 89, 411 DOI: 10.1039/FT9938900411

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