Issue 23, 1992

Two β-forms and the α-helix of N-octanoyl-L-glutamic acid oligomers


N-Octanoyl-L-glutamic acid oligomers (residue number, N= 3–6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 22) have been synthesized in order to study their molecular conformations in the solid state. The X-ray diffraction powder patterns and the vibrational spectra of these oligomers have been investigated and compared with those of two β-forms (β1 and β2) and the α-helix of poly(L-glutamic acid).

The results are summarized as follows. These oligomers take up a β1- or β2-like structure, similar to that of the two β-forms of poly(L-glutamic acid). The methods used to precipitate the samples are related to the conformational preferences in the solid state. β1β2 interconversion is possible by reprecipitation of the sample. Preferential stabilization of the β1- or β2-forms is strongly dependent on the residue number. Films of the oligomers, made by casting them from a dimethylformamide solution onto NaCl or KBr plates, take up an α-helical structure, and the αβ1 or αβ2 transition depends on the residue number of the cast film.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1992,88, 3451-3459

Two β-forms and the α-helix of N-octanoyl-L-glutamic acid oligomers

T. Uehara, H. Okabayashi, K. Taga, T. Yoshida and H. Kojima, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans., 1992, 88, 3451 DOI: 10.1039/FT9928803451

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