Catalytic reduction of nitrous oxide to dinitrogen by carbon monoxide using Group 8 metal carbonyl anions
Metal carbonyls [FeH(CO)4]–, [Fe3(CO)11]2– and [Ru3(CO)12] in the presence of KO2CMe in dimethyl sulfoxide are effective catalyst systems for the reduction of N2O to N2 by CO. The observed catalytic activity for [FeH(CO)4]– of 4.56 turnover number per h at 100 °C under a total pressure of less than 1 atm is the highest among the catalyst systems using KO2CMe as the base. The kinetics of the reduction of N2O by CO catalysed by the [FeH(CO)4]––KO2CMe system was investigated. A first-order dependence of the rate on both PN2O and the concentration of [FeH(CO)4]– was established. The activation parameters ΔH‡ and ΔS‡ are 56.1 kJ mol–1 and –180 J K–1 mol–1, respectively. The ion [FeH(CO)4]– is converted into [Fe2(CO)8]2– during the course of catalysis. The reaction of [Fe2(CO)8]2– with N2O yields 2.68 mol of N2 and 1.38 mol of CO2 per mol of the dinuclear species within 5 h at ambient temperature. This reaction is believed to be the process responsible for the catalytic reaction. A catalytic cycle including nucleophilic attack of [Fe2(CO)8]2– on N2O to give a N2O–Fe adduct, followed by an interligand oxygen transfer from the co-ordinated N2O to CO to give N2 and CO2, is proposed to account for the observed catalysis. Another possible mechanism involving an electron transfer between [Fe2(CO)8]2– and N2O as the first step is also discussed.