Issue 10, 1990

Formation of platinum–enamine complexes by reaction of Zeise's salt with secondary amines


Enamine complexes of platinum [Pt(CH2CH[double bond, length half m-dash]NRR′)Cl2(NHRR′)] are obtained in the reaction of secondary amines [HNRR′= piperidine, HNEt2, or HNMe(CHMePh)] with Zeise's salt K[Pt(η2-C2H4)Cl3]. The enamine ligand results from addition of the amine to the platinum-bonded olefin and subsequent loss of two hydrogen atoms. In the case of HNMe(CHMePh)(which has two different alkyl substituents at the nitrogen atom) two isomeric enamine ligands can be formed (having configurations E and Z respectively). Isomer E(NMe group cis to the metal atom) is ca. ten times more favoured than the other and exhibits 5J(Pt–H) 12.5 Hz which is indicative of a through-space interaction between the methyl group and the metal.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1990, 3021-3024

Formation of platinum–enamine complexes by reaction of Zeise's salt with secondary amines

G. Balacco and G. Natile, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1990, 3021 DOI: 10.1039/DT9900003021

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