Channel-electrode voltammetry. Waveshape analysis of the current–voltage curves of EC2 and DISP2 processes
Theory is presented for the shape of ‘reversible’ current–voltage curves measured at a channel electrode for the cases where the substrate reacts via either a DISP2 or EC2 process. It is shown that conventional (mass-transport-corrected) Tafel analysis of measured voltammetric waves leads to significantly curved Tafel plots and this non-linearity permits, in principle, the deduction of the second-order rate constant describing the following reaction. Additionally, the half-wave potential is found, in the case of a reduction, to be shifted anodically to an extent which is flow-rate dependent. Again this can be used to glean mechanistic/kinetic information. In the case of the DISP2 mechanism the kinetics can also be deduced by studying the effective number of electrons transferred as a function of solution flow rate. An appropriate working curve for this is presented. It is further shown that at slow flow rates and with fast-following second-order kinetics a reaction-layer approximation may be applied to the channel electrode to allow the analytical solution of both the EC2 and DISP2 problems.
Experimental verification of the DISP2 theory was obtained through studying the reduction of the dye fluorescein at high pH (0.1 mol dm–3 NaOH) at illuminated (390 nm) silver electrodes. The waveshape analysis and the variation of both the half-wave potential and the effective number of electrons transferred with flow rate were all in excellent agreement with theory, and a rate constant is deduced.