Issue 6, 1987

Laser-enhanced ionisation spectroscopy in flames and plasmas. Plenary lecture


Recent developments of laser-enhanced ionisation (LEI) spectroscopy are reviewed. This method utilises tunable dye lasers to enhance the rate of collisional ionisation of specific metal atoms in a flame or other atom reservoirs. It can be utilised for trace metal analysis, or for fundamental studies of flames and plasmas. Among the topics highlighted here is the use of double-resonance laser excitation methods to generate three-dimensional atomic LEI spectra. Also discussed are recent results on the use of laser-induced ionic fluorescence as an optical detection method for LEI. An updated list of LEI limits of detection compiled from the literature is included.

Article information

Article type

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1987,2, 573-577

Laser-enhanced ionisation spectroscopy in flames and plasmas. Plenary lecture

G. C. Turk, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1987, 2, 573 DOI: 10.1039/JA9870200573

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