Issue 8, 1987

Microcomputer-aided control of a titrator applied to precipitation titrations


A microcomputer-aided control system is proposed for a titrator which is applicable to precipitation reactions. The titrant is added in drops and the passage of a droplet is detected by means of a light-emitting diode-phototransistor combination to give a stop signal to the electrically operated burette. When the precipitate formation has been equilibrated, as confirmed potentiometrically, a control signal is fed to resume the addition of the titrant. The validity of the whole system is demonstrated for potentiometric precipitation titrations of silver ion with a chloride titrant. Satisfactorily reproducible and precise results were obtained.

Article information

Article type

Analyst, 1987,112, 1185-1187

Microcomputer-aided control of a titrator applied to precipitation titrations

S. Fujieda and N. Nishi, Analyst, 1987, 112, 1185 DOI: 10.1039/AN9871201185

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