Issue 7, 1987

Flow method for the titration of weak acids or weak bases using linear titration plots


Continuous flow titrations of weak acids or weak bases can be carried out with a simple apparatus if the pH and titrant flow-rate data are treated using a linear titration plot method. Titrant is added to a flowing sample stream by a peristaltic pump with a precisely adjustable rotation rate. The results obtained for a variety of weak acids and weak bases are similar in accuracy to those given by corresponding burette titrations of discrete portions of sample.

Article information

Article type

Analyst, 1987,112, 1063-1066

Flow method for the titration of weak acids or weak bases using linear titration plots

J. M. Calatayud, P. C. Falcó and R. M. Albert, Analyst, 1987, 112, 1063 DOI: 10.1039/AN9871201063

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