Issue 0, 1986

Reactions of N-phenyl α-halogenophosphonamidates with alkoxide: migration of the anilino group from phosphorus to the α carbon atom


When Me2CClP(O)(NHPh)OMe is treated with 0.5M NaOMe–MeOH the anilino group migrates from phosphorus to the α carbon atom. Reaction is complete within 2 min at 60 °C and Me2C(NHPh)P(O)(OMe)2 is formed quantitatively. Similar behaviour is observed with MeCHClP(O)(NHPh)OMe but the reaction is ca. 50-times slower and in the later stages some of the resulting MeCH(NHPh)P(O)(OMe)2 becomes demethylated. For the still less reactive compounds XCH2P(O)(NHPh)OMe (X = Cl or I) demethylation of the substrate and/or product is extensive, but with ICH2P(O)(NHPh)OEt in 0.15M NaOEt–EtOH at 60 °C the product PhNHCH2P(O)(OEt)2 can be obtained within 1 h in high yield. The relative rates of rearrangement of the various substrates are consistent with a mechanism involving a three-membered cyclic intermediate, the phosphorus analogue of an α-lactam.

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J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1986, 1681-1686

Reactions of N-phenyl α-halogenophosphonamidates with alkoxide: migration of the anilino group from phosphorus to the α carbon atom

M. J. P. Harger and A. Williams, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1986, 1681 DOI: 10.1039/P19860001681

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