Issue 6, 1986

Determination of tin by non-dispersive atomic fluorescence spectrometry coupled with a hydride generation technique


A method is described for the determination of tin by generation of its hydride using sodium tetrahydroborate(III). This is followed by the introduction of the hydride into a pre-mixed argon (entrained air)-hydrogen flame where all of the atomic fluorescence lines of tin are simultaneously detected by the use of a non-dispersive measuring system with a microwave-excited electrodeless discharge lamp for atom excitation. The best attainable detection limit is 1.2 ng (equivalent to 0.6 ng ml–1) and analytical calibration graphs obtained by measuring peak heights and integrated peak areas of the atomic fluorescence intensities are linear over a range of approximately four orders of magnitude with a precision of 3–6%. Optimisation of the experimental parameters and interference studies are reported. The method is illustrated by the determination of tin in JSS and NBS low-alloy steels with good accuracy.

Article information

Article type

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1986,1, 473-477

Determination of tin by non-dispersive atomic fluorescence spectrometry coupled with a hydride generation technique

T. Nakahara and T. Wasa, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 1986, 1, 473 DOI: 10.1039/JA9860100473

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