Issue 4, 1986

Simple rapid method for the determination of dissolved oxygen by potentiometric stripping analysis


A method is described for the determination of dissolved oxygen in natural water by potentiometric stripping analysis. Oxygen standards are prepared by the reaction of permanganate with peroxide and are used to oxidise the Cd-Hg formed at the glassy carbon electrode from a standard solution of Cd2+. The quantitative reduction in the stripping time is used to measure the oxygen concentration in the water. The method is simple and rapid, with a higher correlation coefficient between added and measured oxygen levels than is obtainable using the Winkler procedure. The use of the method in acidic solutions is also an advantage for the measurement of dissolved oxygen in natural and waste waters.

Article information

Article type

Analyst, 1986,111, 471-473

Simple rapid method for the determination of dissolved oxygen by potentiometric stripping analysis

M. Fayyad, M. Tutunji, R. S. Ramakrishna and Z. H. A. Taha, Analyst, 1986, 111, 471 DOI: 10.1039/AN9861100471

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