Synthesis, properties, and multinuclear (1H, 13C, 77Se) nuclear magnetic resonance studies of selenoethers containing two or more selenium atoms
A convenient synthesis of MeSeLi from MeLi and Se8 in tetrahydrofuran (THF) has been used to prepare the bis-selenoethers MeSe[CH2]nSeMe (n= 1,2,3,6, or 12) and cis-MeSeCHCHSeMe. PhSe[CH2]nSePh (n= 1–3) and cis-PhSeCH
CHSePh have been prepared from PhSe–, itself produced from Ph2Se2 and LiAIH4–THF or sodium hydroxymethanesulphinate. The bis-selenoethers o-C6H4(SeR)2(R = Me or Ph) were obtained from R2Se2 and benzyne. The syntheses of (RSeCH2)3CMe (R = Me or Ph), (MeSeCH2)4C, and (MeSeCH2CH2CH2)2Se are also described. The 1H, 13C, and 77Se n.m.r. spectra of these selenoethers have been recorded, and the chemical shifts and coupling constants (nJSe–H, nJSe–C) are discussed in terms of structures. Mass spectra of the selenoethers have been recorded and the principle fragmentation modes identified.