Relationship between the enthalpy of transfer of a solute and the thermodynamic mixing functions of mixed solvents
The entry of a solute into solution must affect the interactions between the solvent molecules by making, breaking, strengthening or weakening intermolecular bonds. In a binary mixed solvent the enthalpy of mixing ΔHE and relative partial molal enthalpies Li are also related to these forces. Thus a relationship between the enthalpy of transfer, ΔH⊖t, of the solute from one pure solvent component to a mixture and these thermodynamic functions might be expected.
A general relationship is developed and successfully applied to solutions of alkali-metal halides in the methanol + water system, where any preferential solvation is unimportant, and in the acetonitrile + water system, where there is strong preferential hydration of the ions.
The characteristic shape of the ΔH⊖t against x2 profile in the former case with the maximum in ΔH⊖t at low x2 can be accounted for completely in this way and offers no independent evidence for a maximum in mixed-solvent structure.