Preparation of monomeric neutral or anionic tris(polyfluorophenyl)thallium(III) and of anionic heteronuclear tris(polyfluorophenyl)thallium–metal carbonyl complexes
The complex [TlR3(diox)](diox = 1,4-dioxan) has been prepared by the reaction of TlCl3 with LiR (R = 2,4,6-C6F3H2), or of [NBu4][TlR4] with HBF4(R = C6F5) and subsequent addition of dioxan. The displacement of dioxan by (a) neutral ligands leads to [TlR3L](L = OPPh3, pyridine, PPh3, or Ph2PCH2PPh2); (b) anionic ligands affords Q[TlR3X]{Q =[NBu4]+ or [N(PPh3)2]+; X = Cl–, CN–, NO3–, or CF3CO2–}; and (c) metal carbonylate gives Q[TlR3M*]{M*=[Mo(cp)(CO)3]–(cp =η–C5H5), [W(cp)(CO)3]–, [Co(CO)4]– or [Mn(CO)5]–}.