Conformational behaviour of medium-sized rings. Part 10. Dithiosalicylides and trithiosalicylides
The trithiosalicylide derivatives (8)–(11) have been synthesised and shown by temperature-dependent 1H n.m.r. spectroscopy to exist in solution as ring inverting (35a)⇌(35b) enantiomeric helical conformations with trans-thioester linkages. The free energies of activation for these conformational changes are ca. 10 kcal mol–1 higher than those for the similar process in the corresponding trisalicylides. In contrast with the trisalicylides, the trithiosalicylides can only ring invert between enantiomeric helical conformations via intermediates containing a cis-thioester linkage. The dithiosalicylide derivatives (3)–(7) have been synthesised; the temperature dependence of the 1H n.m.r. spectrum of di-o-thiothymotide (7) has been interpreted in terms of ring inversion (40a)⇌(40b) between enantiomeric boat conformations. Comparison of the ΔG‡ value of 24.6 kcal mol–1 for this conformational change with that of 17.7 kcal mol–1 previously obtained for di-o-thymotide (41) suggests that cis-thioester linkages are subject to more resonance stabilisation than are cis-ester linkages.