Resonance Raman spectra of the polynuclear complexes ruthenium red, ruthenium brown, and the related 1,2-diaminoethane substituted complexes
The resonance Raman spectra of salts of ruthenium red, [Ru3O2(NH3)14]6+, and ruthenium brown, [Ru3O2(NH3)14]7+, in their normal, 2H-, 15N-, and 18O-substituted forms have been measured using excitation in the 417–647 nm range. Similar measurements were carried out for the 1,2-diaminoethane-substituted analogues [Ru3O2(NH3)10(en)2]6+, [Ru3O2(NH3)10(en)2]7+, and their deuteriates. The a1g and some of the a2u fundamentals of these cations have been assigned and force-constant calculations on these modes carried out. The excitation profiles of the a1g fundamentals have maxima close to the intense peaks, which lie between 18 400 and 21 800 cm–1, in the electronic absorption spectra of these ions, and this information, together with Raman depolarisation data, lead to assignments for the resonant electronic transition in each case.