Issue 3, 1980

Improved syntheses of the hexanuclear clusters [Ru6(CO)18]2–, [HRu6-(CO)18], and H2Ru6(CO)18. The X-ray analysis of [HRu6(CO)18], a polynuclear carbonyl containing an interstitial hydrogen ligand


The X-ray analyses of two crystalline modifications, (I) and (II), of [N(PPh3)2][HRu6(CO)18] are reported, together with improved synthetic routes to this and the related clusters [Ru6(CO)18]2– and H2Ru6(CO)18. Crystals of (I) are triclinic, space group P1, with a= 18.083(4), b= 19.101(4), c= 19.238(5)Å, α= 117.70(4), β= 78.13(2), γ= 97.05(2)°, and Z= 4. Crystals of (II) are monoclinic, space group P21/n, with a= 33.82(8), b= 52.55(10), c= 9.832(2)Å;, β= 92.66(2)°, and Z= 12. Least-squares refinement using diffractometer data (Mo-Kα) has given an R of 0.068 1 for 9 165 reflections for (I) and an R of 0.23 (Ru only) for 1 485 reflections for (II). The unit cell in (I) contains two independent molecules of [HRu6(CO)18], cluster (1) which is ordered and cluster (2) which is disordered between two sites (2A) and (2B) that are related by a non-crystallographic two-fold axis. The combined evidence of the X-ray analyses, 1H n.m.r. studies, i.r. [v(CO)] spectra, and variable-temperature 13C n.m.r. is only consistent with the hydrogen ligand lying inside the Ru6 octahedron.

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J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1980, 383-392

Improved syntheses of the hexanuclear clusters [Ru6(CO)18]2–, [HRu6-(CO)18], and H2Ru6(CO)18. The X-ray analysis of [HRu6(CO)18], a polynuclear carbonyl containing an interstitial hydrogen ligand

C. R. Eady, P. F. Jackson, B. F. G. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. C. Malatesta, M. Mcpartlin and W. J. H. Nelson, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1980, 383 DOI: 10.1039/DT9800000383

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