Issue 0, 1976

2E4A2 Luminescence and 4A22E, 2T1(t 32g) absorption spectra of the Cr(en) 3+3 ion


The 4A22E, 2T1 Electronic absorption and the luminescence spectra of [Cr(en)3](ClO4)3, 2Cr(en)3Cl3 . KCl . 6H2O (en = 1,2 diaminoethane) and their deuterated analogues have been measured at temperatures down to 5 K. Comparison of these spectra with the infra-red spectra shows that there is strong interaction between the vibronic states involving the 2E(O) electronic state and the 2T1(O) electronic state. The most intense vibronic origins in the luminescence spectra involve vibrational motions which cause a redistribution of electron density near the chromium atom. This provides information on the types of motion which contribute to particular vibrational frequencies. Contrary to a previous report, there is no evidence for the importance of a very low frequency vibration in the intensity mechanism of the 4A22E, 2T1 transitions.

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J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 1976,72, 579-589

2 E4A2 Luminescence and 4A22E, 2T1(t32g) absorption spectra of the Cr(en)3+3 ion

C. D. Flint and A. P. Matthews, J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2, 1976, 72, 579 DOI: 10.1039/F29767200579

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