Radiation induced dechlorination of 1,2-dichloroethane and determination of arrhenius parameters for hydrogen atom abstraction from chloroethanes by the cyclohexyl radical
The kinetics of the radiation induced free radical chain reactions in solutions of CH2ClCH2Cl in cyclohexane (RH) was studied in the temperature range 150–250°C. Chloroethyl and 1,2-dichloroethyl radicals were produced by the reaction of radiolytically generated cyclohexyl (R) radicals with the solute. The reactions studied were R + CH2ClCH2Cl → RCl + CH2CH2Cl (2), R + CH2ClCH2Cl → RH + CHClCH2Cl (3), CH2CH2Cl + RH → CH3CH2Cl + R (4), CH2CH2Cl → CH2CH2+ Cl. (5), The Arrhenius parameters for reactions (2) and (3) are log10(k3/k2)=(0.39 ± 0.09)+(11.40 ± 0.79) kJ mol–1/2.303 RT. The difference in activation energies for reactions (4) and (5), E5–E4= 35.5 ± 6.0 kJ mol–1, was obtained by assigning the value log(A5/A4)= 5.4 ± 0.4 based on previously published works.
The Arrhenius parameters for chlorine atom elimination from chloroethyl radicals in the liquid and gas phases are compared. In addition activation parameters for hydrogen atom abstraction from CCl3CHCl2, CHCl2CHCl2, CH2ClCHCl2, CCl3CH2Cl and CH2ClCH2Cl by cyclohexyl radicals are evaluated based on the present and previously published results. The effect of α and β chlorine atoms on EH values is discussed in terms of polar and enthalpic factors.