Dissociation constant of 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid in water and in deuterium oxide at 25°C
The dissociation constant of 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid has been determined at 25°C in ordinary water by conductance measurements and in both ordinary water and deuterium oxide by means of a cell with glass and silver-silver chloride electrodes and without liquid junctions. Both methods give pKH values which increase with the ion-size parameter a and which are identical (pKH= 1.229 ± 0.045) when 1010a/m = 6. The isotope effect ΔpK = pKD–pKH was also found to depend on a and abnormally high values (e.g. ΔpK = 0.474 when 1010a/m = 6) consistent with internal hydrogen bonding in the 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate anion were observed.
The pK values were extremely sensitive to the precision of the e.m.f. measurements and a technique with which a precision of 0.05 mV could be achieved with high resistance glass electrodes in H2O and D2O was developed. Activity coefficients obtained for HCl and DCl confirmed that the method was accurate and precise.