Issue 10, 1972

1H nuclear magnetic resonance study of (dp)π interactions in stannanes containing unsaturated systems


The proton chemical shift and long range proton–tin coupling constants relative to the methyl group of a number of methylaryl stannanes of general formula MeSnR3, where R is an unsaturated group, were derived. The results show that (dp)π interactions between empty d orbitals of tin and the electronic π system of R groups should be small, and in any case the n.m.r. parameters seem to be mainly influenced by an inductive effect from the unsaturated system. Also, the spectra recorded in a solvent which can give co-ordination compounds such as dimethyl sulphoxide, afford no evidence of a major disposal of d orbitals for (dp)π interactions. An analogous situation seems to be present in the corresponding compounds of mercury MeHgR. Examination of some para-substituted tetra-aryltin compounds indicates that the tin atom also conjugates poorly with para-substituents through an aromatic ring.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1972, 1323-1326

1 H nuclear magnetic resonance study of (dp)π interactions in stannanes containing unsaturated systems

G. Barbieri and F. Taddei, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1972, 1323 DOI: 10.1039/P29720001323

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