Electronic spectrum of the manganate ion
The polarized electronic spectrum of MnO2–4 doped in crystals of K2SO4 has been measured at 4.2 K, from 10 000 to 40 000 cm–1. The ligand field band, and four charge transfer bands are identified. By analyzing the Cs site-group splittings the lowest energy charge transfer transition is shown to be 2T2, and from the relative intensities in the E∥a and E∥b spectrum, the next three bands are 2T2 < 2T1 < 2T2. This experimental result is rationalized by considering the effect of electron repulsion on the 2T1 and 2T2 terms of the charge transfer configurations t51e2 and t51e12t12 using a simplified model. In the lowest energy charge transfer state the two e electrons occupy different orbitals. The apparent contradiction between these results and the polarized crystal spectrum of CrO3–4 in which the lowest energy charge transfer band had been assigned 12 as 2T1, is removed by reassigning the latter spectrum. The ligand-field band of MnO2–4 defines Δ as 11 177 cm–1. The Cs site perturbation splits the 2T2 state by 667 cm–1.