Issue 1159, 1972

Determination of silica in silicate materials by an X-ray fluorescence (standardised inert dilution) method


An X-ray fluorescence standardised inert dilution method has been developed for the determination of silica in quartz-sand, glass and cementclinker samples.

By using the fused sample technique, the method can be applied satisfactorily (standard deviation 0·7 per cent.) to the rapid routine determination of silica.

The results for determinations of silica in quartz sand are compared with those obtained by four different chemical methods.

Article information

Article type

Analyst, 1972,97, 832-837

Determination of silica in silicate materials by an X-ray fluorescence (standardised inert dilution) method

M. Campos and R. Vera, Analyst, 1972, 97, 832 DOI: 10.1039/AN9729700832

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