Volume 67, 1971

Isotopic exchange and ion association of some rhodium III and iridium III chloro amine complexes in aqueous solution


The effect of chloride ion concentration, complex concentration and hydrogen ion concentration on the rate of exchange of chlorine-36 with cis-[Iren2Cl2]Cl, trans-[Rhen2Cl2]Cl and cis-[RhtrienCl2]Cl was studied and the results explained in terms of ion-pair formation. In addition, the rate of exchange of cis-[Iren2Cl]Cl and cis-[Rhtrien Cl2]Cl with chlorine-36 was measured over a range of temperatures and the activation energies for the reactions determined.

Article information

Article type

Trans. Faraday Soc., 1971,67, 3076-3080

Isotopic exchange and ion association of some rhodium III and iridium III chloro amine complexes in aqueous solution

K. W. Bowker, E. R. Gardner and J. Burgess, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1971, 67, 3076 DOI: 10.1039/TF9716703076

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