Issue 0, 1971

Crystal structure of disodium orthophosphite pentahydrate


Na2HPO3,5H2O crystallises in the orthorhombic system. The space group is Pmn21 with a= 7·17, b= 6·36, and c= 9·07 Å, Z= 2. The structure has been refined by a three-dimensional least-squares method using 700 reflections to R 0·075. The water molecules link adjacent tetrahedral phosphite ions which lie on mirror planes of symmetry to form a three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded network. The phosphite ion has one P–O distance (1·48 Å) considerably shorter than the other two (1·52 Å).

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. A, 1971, 1207-1209

Crystal structure of disodium orthophosphite pentahydrate

R. H. Colton and D. E. Henn, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1971, 1207 DOI: 10.1039/J19710001207

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