Rapid determination of nitrogen-13 and fluorine-18 in reactor cooling water by an ion-exchange method
Nitrogen-13 and fluorine-18 are formed mainly by the 16O (p,α)13N and the 18O (p,n)18F reactions, respectively, in reactor cooling water. In the present work nitrogen-13 and fluorine-18 have been determined in reactor cooling water from Kyoto University reactor by an ion-exchange method. The measured radioactivities of nitrogen-13 and fluorine-18 were 4·5 nCi ml–1 and 0·3 nCi ml–1, respectively, at 5 MW of reactor operating power. The sensitivity of this method is about 1 pCi ml–1 for fluorine-18 and 5 pCi ml–1 for nitrogen-13. The precision of this method is about ±5 per cent.