Issue 0, 1969

Electronic structure of tetrasulphur tetranitride, S4N4


The 14N chemical shift for S4N4 is +485 ± 20 p.p.m. from saturated aqueous nitrite ion. It is much nearer the shifts for singly-bonded S–N compounds (530–540 p.p.m.) than it is to the range (200–300 p.p.m.) observed for thiazenes such as S4N3+ ion, despite the double bonding in S4N4. This high shielding can be explained in terms of the high symmetry (D2d) of the near-spherical S4N4, compared with the flatter thiazenes.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. A, 1969, 1567-1570

Electronic structure of tetrasulphur tetranitride, S4N4

J. (Banus) Mason, J. Chem. Soc. A, 1969, 1567 DOI: 10.1039/J19690001567

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