Issue 1124, 1969

The dialysis of small volumes of fluid


A simple, non-metallic closure for small dialysis tubing is described.

In a smaller-scale procedure the 5 to 50 µl of solution to be dialysed are placed on a circle of cellophane, 7·5 mm in diameter, held by suction to the upper end of a vertical tube containing water or saline, which may or may not be continuously renewed. By enclosing the tube, disc and drop in a chamber containing desiccant, the fluid on the disc is concentrated and this greatly accelerates dialysis. A modification for quantitative collection of the whole of the diffusible material in a small volume of fluid is described. Performance data on solutions of sodium chloride are given. The apparatus is well suited to multiple operation.

Article information

Article type

Analyst, 1969,94, 1021-1027

The dialysis of small volumes of fluid

N. G. Heatley, Analyst, 1969, 94, 1021 DOI: 10.1039/AN9699401021

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