Alkylthioberyllium alkyls and some beryllium selenium compounds
Four tetramers (EtBeSR)4, R = Et, Pri, or·But, and (MeBeSBut)4 have been prepared, the last being the only methylberyllium sulphide that could be obtained. The tetramers are believed to have structures based on a Be4S4 cube. The sulphur compounds generally have a higher tendency to disproportionate than their oxygen analogues, and vary greatly in their reactions with bases. Whereas (EtBeSEt)4 and (EtBeSPri)4 crystallise solvent-free from ether, the isopropylberyllium compound (PriBeSEt,L)2 could only be obtained in the form of complexes (e.g., L = Et2O or py). Other complexes described include EtBeSBut,OC4H8, EtBeSBut py, EtBeSBut py2, and EtBeSBut bipy, the last being orange coloured. The tetramer (EtBeSEt)4 is formed from Et2Be and Be(SEt)2 or Et2S2. Beryllium di-t-butyl sulphide, unlike [Be(OBut)2]3, in insoluble in hydrocarbons but forms pyridine and bipyridyl complexes.
The selenium derivatives (MeBeSePhOEt2)2 and EtBeSeEt py2 are described.