Issue 0, 1967

New methods in peptide synthesis. Part IV. N S transfer of N-o-nitrophenylsulphenyl groups in cysteine peptides


When the N-o-nitrophenylsulphenyl group is removed from cysteine peptides by means of hydrogen chloride in methanol or non-polar solvents, or by means of acids in aqueous methanol or acetone, an N S transfer of the o-nitrophenylsulphenyl-group takes place, to give the corresponding S-o-nitrophenylsulphenyl derivative. Even in alkaline solution transfer of the o-nitrophenylsulphenyl group from the α-amino-group to the thiol can occur to some extent.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc. C, 1967, 1506-1509

New methods in peptide synthesis. Part IV. N S transfer of N-o-nitrophenylsulphenyl groups in cysteine peptides

I. Phocas, C. Yovanidis, I. Photaki and L. Zervas, J. Chem. Soc. C, 1967, 1506 DOI: 10.1039/J39670001506

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