Volume 63, 1967

Efficiency of surfaces in destroying hydrogen peroxide and hydroperoxyl radicals


Experiments have been performed in order to estimate the efficiency coefficient for the destruction of hydrogen peroxide on various categories 1 of surface. From these results and the theories of Cheaney et al.,1 it has been possible to deduce efficiency coefficients for the surface destruction of hydroperoxyl radicals. The values of these coefficients lie between those for hydrogen peroxide and those for recombination of oxygen2 and hydrogen3 atoms. The relative efficiencies of various surfaces is largely independent of which of these four reacting entities is considered.

Article information

Article type

Trans. Faraday Soc., 1967,63, 2498-2503

Efficiency of surfaces in destroying hydrogen peroxide and hydroperoxyl radicals

D. E. Hoare, G. B. Peacock and G. R. D. Ruxton, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1967, 63, 2498 DOI: 10.1039/TF9676302498

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