The electron spin resonance spectrum of the PPP-triphenylphosphomethylene radical-cation trapped in a crystalline matrix
X-Irradiation of a single crystal of methyltriphenylphosphonium chloride results in the formation of the oriented radical-cation, Ph3[graphic omitted]–ĊH2. The electron spin resonance spectrum at room temperature shows that the methylene group is undergoing rapid reorientation over a two-fold energy barrier. At 100° K, however, this reorientation is too slow to affect the spectrum, which is here essentially that of the stationary radical. The anisotropic and isotropic components of the hyperfine coupling to the 1H nuclei of the methylene group and of the 31P nucleus have been determined both at room temperature and at 100° K, and their values support a conclusion, reached from an earlier study of the radical-cation Ph3[graphic omitted]–ĊHCO2H, that there is little delocalisation of the unpaired electron on to the phosphorus atom.