Volume 62, 1966

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of cyclic fluorocarbons. Part 2.—F—F and H—F coupling constants in fluorocyclohexanes


Spin-coupling patterns in the high resolution fluorine magnetic resonance spectra of 1CF3/-undecafluoro- and 1CF34H- and 1CF3: 4H/- decafluorocyclohexanes have been analyzed. Values of F—F and H—F coupling constants are derived for a range of relative positions in the “rigid” molecular framework.

Article information

Article type

Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966,62, 2980-2986

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of cyclic fluorocarbons. Part 2.—F—F and H—F coupling constants in fluorocyclohexanes

A. Peake and L. F. Thomas, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966, 62, 2980 DOI: 10.1039/TF9666202980

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