Volume 62, 1966

Chemical effects following thermal neutron capture. Annealing of radiolytic and recoil products in crystalline potassium bromate


The thermal annealing reactions of radiation and recoil induced decomposition of potassium bromate have been studied in crystals irradiated at –78 and 20°C using chemical analysis, u.-v. and thermoluminescence measurements. The annealing of recoil and radiation products occur simultaneously. The results show that the annealing of recoil products is closely associated with the release of charge carriers from the radiation produced fragments: (BrO—BrO3), O2, (Br—BrO3), O3, and BrO2–3. The decomposition of BrO has no effect on the recoil products.

Article information

Article type

Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966,62, 2409-2422

Chemical effects following thermal neutron capture. Annealing of radiolytic and recoil products in crystalline potassium bromate

T. Andersen, H. E. L. Madsen and K. Olesen, Trans. Faraday Soc., 1966, 62, 2409 DOI: 10.1039/TF9666202409

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