Base-catalysed hydrogen-exchange in some substituted [1-3H]acetylenes
The rates of detritiation of X·CC·3H compounds (X
ClCH2, lCH2, BrCH2, Alkyl, PhCH2, Ph, and Me3Si) by buffered water–methanol (4 : 1 v/v)(pH ca. 8·05) have been measured at 25°. For the compounds with X
HalCH2 or Alkyl, the effects of substituents correlate reasonably well with their Taft σ*-constants. The compounds PhC
C3H, and particularly, Me3SiC
C3H are more reactive than would be expected from operation of inductive effects alone, and it is suggested that in these cases there is some conjugative withdrawal of electrons from the alkynyl group.