Issue 1, 2012

Postsynthetic ligand exchange as a route to functionalization of ‘inert’ metal–organic frameworks


Herein, we report that the exchange of ligands from an intact metal–organic framework (MOF) can be exploited as a means to introduce functionalized ligands into MOFs under mild conditions. It is shown that ligand exchange can occur with ‘inert’ Zr(IV)-based UiO-66 MOFs in a solvent dependent manner. We call this process postsynthetic exchange (PSE) and show that it provides access to MOFs that are not readily prepared in high quality by solvothermal methods. It was found that ligand exchange can occur between UiO-66 MOFs as monitored by aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS). ATOFMS was used to analyze the chemical composition of microcrystalline MOFs on the single particle level, providing information not available through bulk analysis. PSE is an important postsynthetic approach to the modification of MOFs, and the ligand exchange revealed by ATOFMS requires a re-evaluation of the assumed ‘stability’ of even the most robust MOFs.

Graphical abstract: Postsynthetic ligand exchange as a route to functionalization of ‘inert’ metal–organic frameworks

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Edge Article
25 Jun 2011
30 Aug 2011
First published
13 Sep 2011

Chem. Sci., 2012,3, 126-130

Postsynthetic ligand exchange as a route to functionalization of ‘inert’ metal–organic frameworks

M. Kim, J. F. Cahill, Y. Su, K. A. Prather and S. M. Cohen, Chem. Sci., 2012, 3, 126 DOI: 10.1039/C1SC00394A

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