Issue 44, 2021

A new rare-earth borate birefringent crystal with quasi-two-dimensional [BO3] layers


Owing to the vital role of birefringent materials in various advanced optical systems, it is very important to find and design structures with a large birefringence. Thus, the LaBO3 crystal was investigated. It exhibits a structural characteristic of quasi-two-dimensional [BO3] layers formed by separate [BO3] groups, which leads to a moderate birefringence (0.093@546 nm). Besides, the LaBO3 crystal presents a short ultraviolet absorption cutoff of 237 nm corresponding to the band gap of 5.23 eV (the calculated value of 4.81 eV). Remarkably, the LaBO3 crystal possesses a large transparency window with a transmittance of more than 60% in the region of 300–2000 nm. Therefore, this study points out a promising birefringent crystal and further confirms a favorable structure of the quasi-two-dimensional [BO3] layer to a large birefringence, which could facilitate the design of new ultraviolet and deep-ultraviolet birefringent crystals.

Graphical abstract: A new rare-earth borate birefringent crystal with quasi-two-dimensional [BO3] layers

Article information

Article type
08 Sep 2021
13 Oct 2021
First published
14 Oct 2021

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021,9, 15886-15890

A new rare-earth borate birefringent crystal with quasi-two-dimensional [BO3] layers

H. Sha, B. Li, Z. Xiong, Z. Wang, C. Liu, R. Su, C. He, X. Yang and X. Long, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 15886 DOI: 10.1039/D1TC04256D

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