Issue 36, 2021

Isolation of the Au145(SR)60X compound (R = n-butyl, n-pentyl; X = Br, Cl): novel gold nanoclusters that exhibit properties subtly distinct from the ubiquitous icosahedral Au144(SR)60 compound


We report the identification and quantitative isolation of Au145(SR)60X (R = n-butyl, n-pentyl; X = halide) along with elucidation of key properties as compared to the corresponding ubiquitous chiral-icosahedral Au144(SR)60 cluster known to have a central vacancy. The stoichiometries were assessed by electrospray mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) at isotopic resolution, and induced dissociation patterns indicate the ‘extra’ (Au,Br) atoms are strongly bound components of these structures. Voltammetric and spectroscopic characterization reveals Au145(SR)60X behaviors that are qualitatively similar to yet fascinatingly distinct from those of Au144(SR)60. (1H,13C)-NMR spectra clearly show how both Au145(SR)60X and Au144(SR)60 are capped by 12 distinct ligand types of 5-fold equivalence, as was recently established for Au144(SR)60 capped by shorter ligands, demonstrating that this novel cluster shares the same chiral-icosahedral motif. Intriguingly, Au145(SR)60X is strongly near-IR luminescent, whereas under comparable conditions Au144(SR)60 barely emits. The photoluminescence pattern of Au145(SR)60X is very similar to that observed for Au25(SR)18, which contains the Au13 core. The combined results are interpreted as consistent with neutral Au145(SR)60X as a diamagnetic species, electronically and structurally similar to the corresponding Au144(SR)60 compounds.

Graphical abstract: Isolation of the Au145(SR)60X compound (R = n-butyl, n-pentyl; X = Br, Cl): novel gold nanoclusters that exhibit properties subtly distinct from the ubiquitous icosahedral Au144(SR)60 compound

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Article information

Article type
21 Jul 2021
31 Aug 2021
First published
01 Sep 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 15394-15402

Isolation of the Au145(SR)60X compound (R = n-butyl, n-pentyl; X = Br, Cl): novel gold nanoclusters that exhibit properties subtly distinct from the ubiquitous icosahedral Au144(SR)60 compound

T. Dainese, S. Antonello, S. Bonacchi, D. Morales-Martinez, A. Venzo, D. M. Black, M. Mozammel Hoque, R. L. Whetten and F. Maran, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 15394 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR04745K

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