Issue 28, 2021

Contribution of nitrogen configurations to the adsorption of Cd(ii) in nitrogen-enriched biochar


To clarify the function of the nitrogen-containing structures on the adsorption of heavy metals, nitrogen-enriched biochars (NBCs) mainly composed of pyrrolic, pyridinic, and graphitic nitrogen were prepared to investigate the interaction mechanism with Cd(II). The results of batch experiments revealed that the saturated Cd(II) adsorption capacities of Pr-NBC, Pd-NBC, and Gp-NBC were 12.68, 24.04, and 35.95 mg g−1 respectively. The strongest adsorption ability was found for the Gp-NBC and was ascribed to the enhancement of graphitic nitrogen. The results from SEM-EDS and XRD, and the zeta potentials for the materials revealed that carbonate precipitation, cation exchange, and electrostatic interactions contributed to the adsorption of Cd(II). XPS and FTIR demonstrated that nitrogen in the carbon framework might have promoted the adsorption by forming cation–π interactions between graphitic nitrogen and Cd(II). The electrostatic potential distribution of the nitrogen with different configurations fully confirmed this. The theoretical calculations also proved that graphitic nitrogen had the lowest interaction energy to Cd(II), which further verified the strong contribution of graphitic nitrogen to the adsorption of heavy metal. Nitrogen-enriched biochar effectively adsorbs, changes the migration process of heavy metals in the natural environment, and thus alleviates the current situation of heavy metal pollution.

Graphical abstract: Contribution of nitrogen configurations to the adsorption of Cd(ii) in nitrogen-enriched biochar

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
04 Mar 2021
25 May 2021
First published
28 May 2021

New J. Chem., 2021,45, 12669-12677

Contribution of nitrogen configurations to the adsorption of Cd(II) in nitrogen-enriched biochar

Y. Jiang, C. Yang, Q. Yao, Y. Deng, J. Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Ouyang, W. Huang and Z. Dang, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 12669 DOI: 10.1039/D1NJ01084K

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