Issue 43, 2019, Issue in Progress

Compound reinforcement of glaze wear resistance by prestress and second grain phase


To study the reinforcement effect of prestress and hard grains on glaze wear resistance, fused quartz was added to a ceramic body to introduce various prestresses by creating a thermal expansivity difference with glaze, and feldspar opaque glazes with and without zircon grains were coated on the ceramic bodies. The elastic moduli and Poisson ratios of the glazes were measured by the 2D-DIC system. Furthermore, the prestress of the glaze was calculated according to the double-layer thermal residual stress model and measured by DIC using the stress-release method. The weight losses of the samples caused by the modified method of ISO 10545-7 were determined; the results showed that the weight of the glaze was reduced by 23.8% by increasing the prestress to 81.2 MPa and by 35.9% by adding 7.2 wt% zircon grains. By introducing 7.2 wt% zircon grains and enhancing the prestress to 123.7 MPa, the abrasion weight loss was decreased by 62.7%.

Graphical abstract: Compound reinforcement of glaze wear resistance by prestress and second grain phase

Article information

Article type
07 Jun 2019
26 Jul 2019
First published
12 Aug 2019
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2019,9, 24951-24962

Compound reinforcement of glaze wear resistance by prestress and second grain phase

Y. Yu, H. Su, K. Guan, C. Peng and J. Wu, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 24951 DOI: 10.1039/C9RA04279B

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