Issue 28, 2019

Oxidation and chalcogenylative disproportionation of anionic phosphide ligands in yttrium complexes with elemental sulfur and selenium


The oxidation and disproportionation of anionic phosphide ligands in yttrium complexes with elemental sulfur and selenium are reported. The mixed TpMe2/Cp supported yttrium phosphide complex TpMe2CpYPPh2(THF) (1) reacted with one equiv. of elemental S or Se in THF at room temperature to deliver two structurally characterized yttrium dithio- or monoseleno-phosphinates TpMe2CpYS2PPh2(THF) (2) and TpMe2CpYSePPh2(THF) (4Se), respectively. Further investigations showed that the yttrium thiophosphinate TpMe2CpYSPPh2(THF) (4S) can be isolated from the reactions of 2 and 1 or 1 and elemental S in a short reaction time. Moreover, after keeping 4S or 4Se in THF solution for some days, 2 or [(TpMe2)2Y]+[Se2PPh2] (5) was obtained by a disproportionation process. The mechanism for the construction of the Ph2PE and Ph2PE2 (E = S, Se) ligands has been discussed based on the in situ NMR experiments and some designed reactions.

Graphical abstract: Oxidation and chalcogenylative disproportionation of anionic phosphide ligands in yttrium complexes with elemental sulfur and selenium

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Apr 2019
07 Jun 2019
First published
08 Jun 2019

Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 10596-10603

Oxidation and chalcogenylative disproportionation of anionic phosphide ligands in yttrium complexes with elemental sulfur and selenium

F. Zhang, W. Yi, J. Zhang, Q. You, L. Weng and X. Zhou, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 10596 DOI: 10.1039/C9DT01537J

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