Issue 16, 2018

What dictates which ion, I or Br, mediates the growth of cubic Pd nanocrystals?


Cubic Pd nanocrystals (CPNCs) as one of typical nanostructures are generally fabricated using I or Br as capping ions. However, which ion, I or Br, exclusively mediates the growth of CPNCs in a given reaction system is not well understood. Herein, regardless of I or Br as the capping ion, we successfully achieved CPNCs in the same reaction system simply by adjusting the pH. Based on the Finke–Watzky kinetic model, an increase in pH accelerates the overall reduction rate of Pd2+, and the formation of CPNCs only occurs over the range of specific solution reduction rate constants (k1). This kinetically illuminates that the reduction rate of Pd2+ is the physicochemical parameter that determines which ion, I or Br, dictates the growth of CPNCs. Also, density functional theory (DFT) calculations further elucidate the dependence of the reduction rate of Pd2+ on pH and the configuration of the activated Pd2+ complex.

Graphical abstract: What dictates which ion, I− or Br−, mediates the growth of cubic Pd nanocrystals?

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Article information

Article type
06 Feb 2018
26 Mar 2018
First published
27 Mar 2018

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018,20, 10997-11002

What dictates which ion, I or Br, mediates the growth of cubic Pd nanocrystals?

Z. Wang, Y. Wu, H. Xue, L. Zhou, W. Geng, H. Yi and Y. Li, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 10997 DOI: 10.1039/C8CP00861B

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