Issue 43, 2017

On-site evolution of ultrafine ZnO nanoparticles from hollow metal–organic frameworks for advanced lithium ion battery anodes


Herein, we have successfully realized the on-site evolution of ultrafine ZnO nanoparticles from hollow zeolitic-imidazolate-framework-8 through a simple but efficient plasma treatment. With unique hollow frameworks which decorated with well-dispersed ultrafine ZnO nanoparticles, the h-ZIF-8@ZnO hybrids exhibit enhanced electrochemical performance for Li-ion batteries.

Graphical abstract: On-site evolution of ultrafine ZnO nanoparticles from hollow metal–organic frameworks for advanced lithium ion battery anodes

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Article information

Article type
20 Sep 2017
12 Oct 2017
First published
12 Oct 2017

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 22512-22518

On-site evolution of ultrafine ZnO nanoparticles from hollow metal–organic frameworks for advanced lithium ion battery anodes

Y. Zhang, Y. Lu, S. Feng, D. Liu, Z. Ma and S. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 22512 DOI: 10.1039/C7TA08284C

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